Judges L-O
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Mari Lackman Finland
I´ m Mari Lackman from North Karelia. Judging dogs from the FCI groups five and six.
Own breeds are East-Siberian Laika and Lapponian Herder. When I was child we had our national breed, Finnish Spitzes as hunting and companion dogs. So those different kind of Spitzes are most familiar breeds to me. At this moment I have few East-Siberian Laikas, two Lapponian Herders and one Finnish Spitz living with us. I have bred few Laika- and Lapponian Herder litters since year 2000. We live in countryside, hobbies are so many with dogs. In summer cycling, swimming and summer cottage life with relatives, close friends and also with all our dogs is relaxing.
Autumn is hunting time. In winter Laikas works in front of the sled. If there is time enough from judging and working, I go to the dog shows and hunting tests with my own dogs. I have qualified to judge hunting test for moose-, bear- and bird trial.

Adrian Landarte Uruguay
I've been living with dogs pure bred and not, for all my life, I was very lucky to born in a family that liked dogs, my grandfather and father liked to hunt and had some Pointers, once as child I showed a puppy Pointer bitch at a specialty show, but I started in the real Dog World Show at age of 17, when I bought my first Afghan Hound. From that moment I got involved more and more in this world as breeder, exhibitor, judge, organizer, and director.
With Jorge Nallem we founded El Retorno kennel having great success breeding Irish Setters, Beagles, Schnauzers, Dachshund, Fox Terriers, Whippet, Greyhound and Cimarron Uruguayo. I am an all breed judge and begun my career as an Irish Setter judge in 1987. I had the pleasure to judge and meet friends in many conutires and today very glad and honored to judge at this very special event WDS Helsinki in Finland one of the leaders in dog world.

Juhani Lappi Finland
My name is Juhani Lappi and coming from the city of Vaasa. I breed Finnish Hounds with prefix “Kempin” (since 1972) and in a small scale also German Hunting Terriers. I am qualified to judge the FCI Group 6 and I am very pleased, that I am invited to judge at the FCI World Dog Show.

Hans Lehtinen Finland
Hans Lehtinen has bred Cocker Spaniels and Black Schnauzers, first Cocker Spaniel litter was born in 1950. Lehtinen was interested in Norwich Terriers already in the 1960’s when the breed was introduced to Finland. Through kennel “Rivale” he has influenced to the breeding of Norwiches. Lehtinen has been vice chairman and member of the board of the Finnish Toy Dog Association, Chairman of the Spaniel Club of Southern Finland and has acted in many different commissions of the Finnish Kennel Club. Lehtinen was qualified to judge as the youngest person all times in Finland, in 1953 and he is nowadays an all round judge. He has been judging all over the world and it is very hard to find free weekend many years forward.

Sally Leslie Great Britain
I first became truly involved in the world of sporting dogs when my mother and I acquired an English Springer Spaniel bitch in the early 1970’s. I cut my teeth in the Junior Handling Classes with this bitch and she proved to be the foundation of our line of Springers. Having acquired a male which was reared by a Sussex Spaniel because his dam died shortly after producing her litter we also became interested in Sussex and we successfully added these to the kennel. With the advent of Border Terriers I also gained a husband!
I am proud to say that we have now either bred or owned Champions in all three breeds including the multi winning Sussex SH CH No More Gemstones at Risdene who took BIS at the Sussex Spaniel Association Championship Show on a landmark 4 consecutive occasions and placed at Group level at general all breed Championship Shows. I should also add that all of our Spaniels give us double pleasure since we work them for local shoots during the season.
I have been judging for upwards of 30 years both in the UK and abroad and have judged at Crufts. I really appreciate having the opportunity to examine other people’s stock and it is always interesting and exciting to go over the results of carefully planned breeding programs but primarily I am an exhibitor and I hope I never forget what it is like to be on the end of the lead! I am very much looking forward to my assignment at the World Show 2014.
Kirsti Louhi Finland
As a child Kirsti had two Wire-haired Fox Terriers but her first own dog was bought in 1971 and it was a Rottweiler. After that she has had two more Rottweilers. Since 1978 Kirsti has had Shih Tzus and afterwards also Spanish Waterdogs and Portuguese Podengos. Her prefix is “Capella” and that she has inherited from a famous breeder of Shih Tzsu, Mr Antti Seppälä. She was qualified for her first breed in 1982 and now judges breeds from groups 1,2,5,8,9 and 10. Besides Finland she has judged in Sweden. Estonia, Spain, Israel, Croatia, Slovenia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Hungary, Portugal and Russia.

Svend Løvenkjær Denmark
My first dog, a Schnauzer, was born 50 years ago. He became Swedish and Danish Champion and I was hooked with dogs. I have owned, breed and showed Schnauzer, Skye Terriers, English Springer Spaniels and Newfoundlands. I have all my life been involved with dogs and is since more than 20 years a judge. I look forward to judge in Helsinki World Dog Show. I am sure it will be a great show!

Peter Machetanz Germany
I start 1972 with my first own dog in the world of dogs. I breed Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahuas, Pomeranian and Chinese Crested with the kennelname "Knopffamilie". I startet to judge in 1982 with 13 Toy dog breeds and since 2011 I am an Allrounder. I have been judging in more than 20 difficult European countrys from Irland to Cypres, from Russia to Portugal. In the last years I judging 25 to 30 shows every year. I am 1984 to 2004 Managing President, from 2004 1.President of the German Spitz Club (Verein für Deutsche Spitze) Since 1987 publisher "Der Deutsche Spitz" Magazin of German Spitz. Since 2006 I am the coordinator for the training of judges in the FCI group 9 in the German Kennel Club VDH.

Rafael Malo Alcrudo Spain
All childhood passed among Pyrenean Mastiffs in my family’s farm near the Pyrenees, in Aragon (Spain). Breeder of Pyrenean Mastiff since 1974 under the kennel name “La Tajadera del Tío Roy”, having won more of 180 National and International Championships, as well as seven European Winners and six World Winners. That is a World Record among all kennels dedicated to Spanish breeds. Our dogs have been used as foundation stock to start breeding Pyrenean Mastiffs in several countries. Foundator of the Spanish Pyrenean Mastiff Club (CMPE) in 1977. General Secretary until 1986 and Chairman since then until June 2010. Author or co-author of nine books and several articles, both in Spanish and English, meanly about Molosser breeds, but also about Sighthounds and Pastoral dogs. International FCI judge since 1982, all breeds FCI international judge since 2005. Member of the Board of Judges of the Spanish Kennel Club from 2005 to 2009, Judging International all breeds Shows and also Molosser and Sighthounds Specialties in International Shows in almost every European country and in United States of America, Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, South Africa, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia and Australia. Hobbies: History; literature; rock’n’roll; car racing sport.

Richard Meen Canada
Richard Meen became actively involved with purebred dogs in 1965 with the purchase of his first Afghan Hound. He went on to breed and exhibit Borzois, Skye Terriers, Harriers, Italian Greyhounds, French Bulldogs, Old English Sheepdogs, Scottish Deerhounds and Dobermanns under the prefix “Kishniga”. He has owner-handled his dogs to many Best In Show and Specialty Best In Showsin Canada and the United States. He steered Borzoi “Kishniga Desert Song” to the prestigious #1 spot all breeds in Canada in 1977. He is past president of the Canadian Kennel Club and in October 1998 he was appointed Chair of the CKC Board of Directors. He is also founding member of Borzoi Canada and Skye Canada.

Ron Menaker U.S.A
Ron Menaker has enjoyed a very active involvement within the sport of purebred dogs for more than four decades, encompassing all aspects of it. Firstly as a breeder/exhibitor/owner and currently, for more than the past 10 years, in an official capacity, culminating his years of experience and honed leadership skills, as Chairman of the AKC Board of Directors. He first served on the AKC Board from 1996 to 1998. Elected again in 2000, he became Vice Chairman in 2001 and served as Chairman from March 2002 to March 2012. He was the longest serving Chairman in the history of the AKC. In March 2014 Ron decided to run for the Board and was overwhelmingly elected by the delegates, he will serve another four-year term. Starting out as a breeder and exhibitor of Giant Schnauzers, Bedlington Terriers, and Norfolk Terriers, he continued his interest and developed his knowledge in many other breeds; he is deeply involved in many breed and all-breed clubs, dedicating his time in various capacities.
As a member of the Bedlington Terrier Club of America, Ron has held positions as President, Director, AKC Delegate, and Show Chairman. Additionally, he is a member of the Giant Schnauzer Club of America and the Border Terrier Club of America. He is the Show Chairman for the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship, past show chairman of the Westminster Kennel Club show, and is an Honorary Member of The Kennel Club in England. An AKC judge since 1994, Ron has judged at more than 350 AKC Conformation shows. His many judging assignments have taken him across the USA and Internationally around the world, including to: Argentina, Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay, United Kingdom, Venezuela, etc. He has judged at seven FCI World Dog Shows and is currently approved to judge Best in Show, all Working breeds, all Sporting breeds, all Terrier breeds, all Toy Breeds, all Non-Sporting breeds, and several Herding and Hound breeds.

Marie Merchant Australia
My own breed is English Springer Spaniel and my prefix is internationally known “Clanach”. There are over 70 Clanach champions and I have personally handler 50 English Spirnger Spaniel BIS winners. I have exported to UK, Denmark and New Zealand. These exports have had great success including Top Sire in the UK on two occasions. I am an all breeds judge and besides Australia I have judged in England, Wales, Norway, Denmark, Sweden. Czech Republik, Japan, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Philippines, New Zealand, Canada and USA. In addition I have owned and titled several other breeds including Afghans, Labradors, Golden Retrievers, West Highland White Terriers, Irish Wolfhounds and currently I am exhibiting Smooth Fox Terriers, making up 8 Australian Champions. I am chairperson of the Australian National Kennel Club National Judges Training Scheme, National Breed Standards Review Committee and Overseas Judges Approval Board.

Carla Molinari Portugal
Carla Molinari has been involved with dogs since her childhood and her kennel Vale Negro was officially recognized in 1963. She has bred German Shepherds, Afghan Hounds, Salukis, Miniature Dachshunds, Whippets, Pointers, Portuguese Water Dogs and Portuguese Podengos. She is the President of the Portuguese Kennel Club since 1985, member of the FCI Executive Committee and treasurer of the FCI. She is also Honorary Life Member of the FCI. Molinari is an all round judge since 1983 and has judged in all countries of Europe and USA, Canada, South American countries, Australia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Morocco, China, Indonesia, India and South Africa.

Barbara Müller Switzerland
Grown up with Newfoundland and German Sheperds, dogs have been part of my live ever since. In 1973 I started breeding English Cocker Spaniels, followed by Old English Sheepdogs and Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen under the “Pennylane” prefix. Many national and international champions, European Winner and Worldwinners are bred by me. In 1980 I was confirmed by the Swiss Kennelclub (SKG) as a judge and now I am an approved all round judge. In most European countries, England, Australia, South America, USA and Asia I have judged many times and this includes many National Specialties, European Winner- and several World Dog Shows. Since 2006 I’m member of the SKG board and president of the Judges- and Show- commission and since 2010 member of the FCI Europe Section General Committee. Since 2014 I’m also President of the FCI Show commission. I feel very honoured to be invited to judge at the FCI World Dog Show in Helsinki this year and look forward to that prestigious event with great pleasure.

Yolanda Nagler Magal Israel
Her passion for dogs started when she was a child and she attended many dog shows as a young girl. After graduation, she had more time to increase her involvement in the dog scene.Yolanda Nagler Magal is of the Israeli Toy Club, and is involved in organizing the Toy Club's shows in Israel, as well as special toy breed events at International shows and all seminars concerning Toy breeds in Israel. Yolanda Nagler Magal is an active member in the management of the Kennel Club in Israel. She is also in charge of controlling all Toy breed litters and signing their registration.
In the mid 80', Yolanda became a licensed FCI judge. She began her judging career as a Yorkshire Terrier breed specialist and then continued to become a Group 9 specialist. Nowadays she is an all round judge. Yolanda judges many shows all over Europe almost every week, including international and national shows, world dog shows and Europe dog shows. Besides that, she has also judged in Australia, Japan, Philippines, Canada, South America and other countries.
Her Ceasar affix has produced a full gallery of Israeli and International champion dogs, both Yorkshire Terriers and Shih Tzus.

Jorge Nallem Uruguay
I became involved in dogs since a child; At that moment I lived in an apartment in the city so I only saw the dogs in my vacations at the farm. I first got involved with pure bred dogs when I had the possibility to have one in the city and it was a Wire Fox Terrier. I loved the breed but knew nothing about it so my first one, as most of us, was not a good one but was my first step to get into this world. I have bred Wire and Smooth Fox Terriers, Smooth Dachshunds Std. and Mini, Std. Schnauzers Salt and Pepper, Whippets, Beagles, Greyhounds and Cimarrons and have achieved more than 150 All breed Best in Show with his dogs participating in many countries as well as many World Champion titles. I became a judge on my first breed, Fox Terrier, on 1987, and from 1996 I judge all breeds. I have judged in many different countries around the world and have judged at the FCI World and European Shows. I have been member of the FCI Standard Commission (1999-2014), President of the Kennel Club Uruguayo (1996-2000) (2004-2008) and President of the judges committee of the KCU (2000-2004 2010-2012 2013-2015). Other than dogs I also like a lot plants and garden.

Rui Oliveira Portugal
I started my dog activity in 1975 showing my father’s Pointers. Since then I became a consistent exhibitor and breeder. Still active as a breeder producing Pointer champions at home and abroad.
I became judge in 1983.Nowadays I’m an F.C.I. allrounder judge. I’ve judged in almost every Country in Europe and in Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Chile, Japan, Canada, China, Thailand, Indonesia and Kenya. Major FCI events includes several World.Winner shows and European Winner Shows. Also appointed for World.winner shows,2014 and 2016 and will judge Pointers at Crufts in 2016.

Ilona Onstenk-Schenk the Netherlands
My parents already had a well-known Boxerkennel before my birth .So I grew up with Boxers and as a child I accompanied my parents to all the dogshows in Europe. My mother and I, we have bred many Boxerlitters with very good results. My late husband owned Dobermanns and Miniature Schnauzers Black, so when we got married, we owned 1 Dobermann and 2 Boxers. My first judge-examination was in Boxers .Now I am approved to judge all breeds in FCI-Group 1-2 ; and some breeds in Group 3,5 and 9. I’ve judged in nearly every European country and in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, South –Africa and U.S.A.( including several World Winner Shows and European Winner Shows ). I judge about 40-45 times a year, so I’m rather busy but I like it. I was during 25 years a member of the Dutch Judges Committee.-I’m now an honorary member- . I’m looking forward to judge on the Helsinki World Dog Show and I’m sure everybody –exhibitors, visitors and judges –they all will enjoy this GREAT SHOW.