FCI 10 - saturday 9.8.
Group 10: Sighthounds
Saturday August 9th
Reserve for all breeds in group 10 Magnus Hagstedt, Sweden
Afghan Hound, males, brace, breeders groups and BOB | John Reeve-Newson, Canada |
Afghan Hound, females | João Vasco Poças, Portugal |
Azawakh | Tamás Jakkel, Hungary |
Borzoi, males | Adrian Landarte, Uruguay |
Borzoi, females, brace, breeders groups and BOB | Richard Meen, Canada |
Greyhound | Yolanda Nagler Magal, Israel |
Hungarian Greyhound | Dusan Paunovic, Serbia |
Irish Wolfhound, males | Per Iversen, Norway |
Irish Wolfhound, females, brace, breeders groups and BOB | Ann Ingram, Ireland |
Italian Greyhound | Francesco Cochetti, Italy |
Polish Greyhound | Dusan Paunovic, Serbia |
Saluki, males | Roberto Velez-Pico, Puerto Rico |
Saluki, females, brace, breeders groups and BOB | Philip John, India |
Scottish Deerhound | Tamás Jakkel, Hungary |
Sloughi | Adriana Griffa, Italy |
Spanish Greyhound | Tamás Jakkel, Hungary |
Whippet, males, brace, breeders groups and BOB | Ramon Podesta, Chile |
Whippet, females | Diane Anderson, USA |