Judges I-K
Click the name of the judge to open the introduction.
Ann Ingram Ireland
I was born into the world of dogs with a mother who bred Boxers and a father who was a Terrier man and professional handler, I started to handle almost as soon as I could walk!! Wanting to have something different for myself I bought a Boston Terrier from England which became my first English Champion when I was just 14 years old. It was not long before I transferred my affections to Boxers and Poodles and in later years Lhasa Apsos with the occasional Whippet, Beagle, Pug and Shetland Sheepdog just for fun!!! I have subsequently made up 26 English Champions and over 100 Irish Champions. Past President of the Irish Boxer Dog Club and Poodle Club of Ireland and currently President of The Boxer Society of Ireland. Aged 16, I had my first judging appointment under both I.K.C. and E.K.C. rules. I judged regularly over the following years and became an All Rounder under I.K.C. Rules in 1984. I have regularly judged in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, South Africa, South America, America and 20 European Countries, around 40 Countries. I have judged twice at Crufts, and looking forward to judging Toy Poodles at Crufts 2014 and Breeds and Group 9 at the World Show Finland 2014.

Per Iversen Norway
I started in dogs a very long time ago, my grandmother kept Smooth Fox Terriers and to this day it is one of my favourite breeds.I imported my first Flatcoated Retriever in 1972 from Colin Wells, England. One of the great breeders of Flatcoated Retrievers. In all I had 4 dogs from him. Another import was ch. Torwood Plague who was a useful stud dog. A FCI judge since 1978, I am approved to judge all breeds in groups 3-4-6-7-8 and 10. In group 9 - Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and King Charles Spaniels. Flatcoated Retrievers have been judged at club shows in the UK, Crufts, the American and Canadian National Speciality, club shows throught out Europe.
I have judged in over 40 countries and have awarded CC's to both Gordon Setters and Irish Wolfhounds in the UK on several occasions. Over the year I have kept several breeds, Labrador Retrievers, Whippets, Dachshunds, Norwich Terriers, Smooth Dachshunds and now a Border Terrier. I am joint owner of Brenna kennels where Whippets have been bred since 1937, later also Flatcoated Retrievers and Standard Longhair Dachshunds. This will be my 6th time judging at a World show and I greatly look forward to the show.

Leos Jancik Czech Republic
From early childhood he was surrounded by dogs. His family was breeding Great Danes and Collie Rough. First dog that he bought and began its 20-year-long breeding Toy Poodle white. In 1983 he purchased first German Spitz and from that moment started breeding them as well. In 1989 he bought the Siberian Husky and got involved in bredding which lasted for 20 years.
In the same period begins to breed Chihuahua and Boston Terrier. He became president of Chihuahua Club and Boston Terrier Club of the Czech Republic. In 1989 he began his judging career, and soon becomes an All-round judge. He judged all the most important shows in Czech Republic and some of the country in which he has judged are: Germany, Austria, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Finland, Sweden, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Denmark, Italy, Israel. He judged at the World Dog Show in Salzburg in 2012. He also received an invitation for judging at the World Dog Show which will be held in Helsinki 2014 and FCI European Dog Show 2014 in Brno Czech Republic.

Guy Jeavons Canada
Jeavons was born in old colonial Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, into a family owned by Dachshunds. Guy also has a love for all animals and was an avid horseman. The “GrandGables Kennel” was registered in 1972, when Guy acquired his first Shetland Sheepdog, hence his involvement in both Shelties and Dachshunds. Guy is interested in and has been involved in many breeds over the years and owned or bred in excess of 200 Champions and on 4 Continents in some of the following breeds: Shetland Sheepdogs, Dachshunds, American Cocker Spaniels, German Shepherd Dogs, Whippets, Chihuahuas, Brussels Griffon, a Boston Terrier and a Fox Terrier Smooth. Guy has since qualified as an All Breed International judge, having had the privilege to judge at Championship Show level in Finland, Great Britain, Ireland, America, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Kenya, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.
With his main love being the Sheltie, Guy was Chairman/President of The Shetland Sheepdog Club of South Africa for 10 years, Vice Chairman of S.African Dachshund Club and appointed member of the Judges Council of Kennel Union of S. Africa, prior to emigrating to live in Canada in December 1998. Together with life partner Mark McMillan, we are proud of our contribution and part we have played in dogdom worldwide.

Philip John India
Philip John grew up with German Shepherds. In 1977 he became an All Breeds judge on the KCI panel. Today he has over 32 years of judging experience both nationally and at international shows. He has judged all breeds at international level from 1981. Thereafter, he has judged several shows in New Zealand, and Australia and shows in South Africa, Brazil, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and of course India. He has judged in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia and Spain.
He has officiated as judge at in GSD, Sight Hound, Dachshund, Doberman, Boxer, Rottweiler, Great Dane, Dalmatian and Tibetan breed specialties. Philip was involved with several breeds. He bred Doberman, Lhasa Apso, Beagle, Dachshund (STD Smooth), Miniature Pinscher and GSD.
He has kept and shown Greyhound, Whippet, Afghan Hound, Saluki, Dachshund (Long) and Caravan Hound (Indian Sight Hound).

Hannele Jokisilta Finland
I have been in dogs the whole of my live, our first dog (irish setter) came before I was born, when I was 10 yrs we got first Labrador Retriever and since then I have been hooked with this breed. So in Labs for 42 yrs. First terrier came 20 yrs ago, now a Cairn Terrier. This year I have celebration for breeding 30 years with affix Palabras and 20 years of judging. In these judging years I have judged in 22 different countries. For the moment I can judge breeds the whole groups 2,4,7,8 and 10 and addition to these, many breeds from other groups.

Nemanja Jovanović Serbia
Nemanja Jovanović is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Under the prefix Heartily, he breeds West Highland White Terriers, Scottish Terriers, Boston Terriers and Jack Russell Terriers. Many of his dogs won the World, European, International, and Multi- beauty championships. Nemanja Jovanović is an international judge for FCI groups 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 8,9 and 10. He has judged at many international shows in most of the European countries and in Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, South Africa and Uruguay. He is helping in organization of the Belgrade International Dog Show, a board member of the Serbian Toy breed club and president of Terrier club. He taking place as a teacher in education seminars for student judges organized by Serbian kennel club.

Johan Juslin Finland
Johan got his first dog in 1965 and in 1976 he bred his first litter. Johan has had Norwich Terrier, Lagotto Romagnolo, Miniature Schnauzer and Red Irish Setter. However he is most known of his “Rivale” Norwich Terriers. There are numerous National and International Champions in his breeding. He has been Top Breeder of Norwich in 2004 and 2005. At the moment he is the President of the Finnish Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Club and is a member of the board of the Finnish Show Dog Judge’s Society. Johan has got silver medal from the Finnish Kennel Club and the Finnish Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Club and the golden medal of the Finnish Dog Breeders Association. He became judge in 1985 and an all round judge in 2007. He is very popular judge both in Finland and abroad and has judged all over the world. He is also trial judge for hounds and hunting spitzes.

Hiroshi Kamisato Japan
Since childhood, animals have been a constant love and dogs always my favourites. The first dog I bred was an American Cocker Spaniel. Since 1962 I have bred and exhibited American Cocker Spaniels. After that I have bred and exhibited Great Danes, Scottish Terriers, Maltese, and Italian Greyhounds. At this time, am breeding Japanese Chin. In 1978, I qualified as a judge by JKC and I qualified as an FCI & JKC All-Breed judge in 1984.
I have judged at many shows throughout Japan for example in the following countries: Spain, Denmark, USA, Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, South Africa, South Korea, Slovakia, Mexico, Brazil, France, Belgium, Russia and am indeed looking forward to do my upcoming assignment for The World Dog Show in Helsinki August 2014.
I served as a Secretary-General and Executive Director for 19 years until May 2006. During that period, I have also served as a member of the executive committee of the Asian section for the FCI. Since 1990, I have helped arrange for several pure breeds, namely the Thai Ridgeback Dog, Korean Zindo Dog and Taiwan Dog, to achieve official recognition by FCI, and in 1999 I have also assisted in the category division of between Akita and American Akita. Being able to assist in the training of younger generations of judges for both the JKC and the Asian Kennel Union was a great honor and one of the most memorable moments of my lifetime.
At this stage of my life, my greatest wish is to be able to judge overseas whenever I have an opportunity, and I would like to share such great moments and exchange ideas with my many friends in the international dog profession. And I would like to devote my time to write about the introduction of local breeds throughout Asia as well as a history of Japanese Chin.

Frank Kane Great Britain
I owned my first dog- a Cocker Spaniel -when I was twelve years old -and I have been involved in the dog show world ever since. Whilst at university I owned two Sealyham Terriers in partnership and both became UK champions. When I left university in 1970 I bought two American Cocker bitches as the foundation in that breed. One of these became a champion and both produced champions and I have owned the bred since then-until my last champion died recently. Cockers and American Cockers have been at the centre of my life. I first judged at championship level in 1974 and am now approved to judge 110 breeds in the UK. The highlight of my career so far was to judge Best in Show at Crufts in 2012 and to judge at Westminster .I have written three books on Spaniels and Gundog breeds. I am Chairman of the Breed Standards committee of the English Kennel Club. Outside my canine interests my main passion is in the horse world where I have interests in show ponies and I judge horses and ponies but to a lesser extent.

Jean-Paul Kerihuel France
I was born in Brittany (France) in 1947 and am a retired computer engineer. I have bred Collies, Shelties, Old English Sheepdogs and Shar Peis. I am a judge since 1979 and all rounder since 2009. I am the Vice-President of the French Kennel Club, President of the French Collie Club and President of the French White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club and also President of French Herding Commission. I am fascinated by photography, but the world of dogs takes care a lot.

Revaz Khomasuridze Russia
The first dog was acquired in 1972. Owner of “A`Vigdors” French Bulldog kennel. Started judging in 1979 and FCI all rounder since 1995. Since 1993 was head of the RKF breeding commission. Since 2001 until now the RKF Counsellor in Cynology I have judged in most of The European countries and in addition in Argentina and USA. Since 1998 have judged at almost every World and European Dogs Show.

Horst Kliebenstein Germany
I grew up with dogs as my father had German Shepherds and later Miniature Schnauzers, black.
At the age of 16 I bought my first dog, a Great Dane. My first litter was in this breed. Further in the future I breed Basset Hounds, Wire Teckel Standard and Westies. Since 196 I am authorized as judge for Great Danes and one year later for Basset-Hounds and the French Bassets. Since 1974 I am Group Judge for the old Group 5 and 6. Since 1986 I am allrounder.
From February 1998 I am President of the FCI Judges Commission. I have judged in many different European countries and in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, South Africa, Kenya, Panama, New Zealand, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan. Thailand, Philippines, Korea, USA, Peru. Most memorable Moments are judging all my now 17 world shows, the first invitation to Sydney Royal and first time in South America.

Vija Klucniece Latvia
Vija Klucniece is philologist of Latvian language and literature, married and mother of two sons. She has owned dogs since 1977, first breed being a Rough Collie. She started her breeding in 1980 and has bred Kleinspitz, Chow Chows and nowadays Papillons. She has been judging since 1998 and besides Latvia she has judged in Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, Sweden, Finland, Norway, France, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Bulgaria and Australia. She acted as the President of the Latvian Toy Breeds Club and is since 1996 the President of the Latvian Cynological Federation.

Frank Knippenborg The Netherlands
I live in one of the most beautiful regions in the Netherlands with my wife, two children and two Golden Retrievers, this beloved breed has been part of our family since 1980. In the late 80’s and 90’s we had a lot of successes in the show ring. This contributed to my interest in the different facets of shows. In the Netherlands the road towards becoming a breed specialist judge is not easy. Eventually I finished all courses and trainings with an exam and since 1990 I have been judging Golden Retrievers both national and international.
Meanwhile I have visited most European countries several times for judging. This is the second World Dog Show I have been chosen to judge. For which I would like to thank the organization. For years I have been active as board member in local and national cynological associations. Together with a group of enthusiasts we have been hosting international shows for years where we besides having to move mountains have met a lot of enthusiast dog lovers. Besides my hobby I work as a manager for an organization which cares for mentally impaired people.

Reino Korpela Finland
I am a keen enthusiast of the Finnish Spitz and judge for the breed. I have had Finnish Spitz since the late 1980’s and have shown my dogs and take part in bird barking trials. Also I breed in a small scale with the prefix “Jyrkkäkallio”. I have taken part to bird barking trials with my dogs about 100 times and approximately the same amount trials I have judged. I am also chief judge of the bird barking trials and I have had the honor of being chief judge in the nationwide “Haukku-ottelu”.
In the autumns I spend time with my dogs in hunting fowl and our journeys take us to different part of Finland. During the summer months I like fishing and visit lake in Inari in Lappland to do some trolling. I was qualified to judge Finnish Spitz in 2005 and nowadays I am qualified to judge about 110 breeds in FCI groups 5 and 6. Besides Finland I have judged in England and Russia. The highlight of this year is definitely to judge the Finnish Spitz males at the FCI World Dog Show in Helsinki.

Arja Koskelo Finland
I have been judging dogs since 1986. I breed Cocker Spaniels, Norfolk Terriers and Portuguese Water Dogs with prefix “Hooligan”. At the moment I have only two Cocker Spaniels but my heart is still beating for my original breed. I have judged Cockers over 100 times around the world. I always give a special numbered rosette for my BOB – at the FCI World Dog Show it will be rosette number 103! I have judged Cockers in main specialties in many countries, for example in the country of origin at Crufts and at five Championship Shows (sixth time will be soon after the FCI World Dog Show). Already as a young girl I worked in the UK in the Astrawin kennels and since then I have made yearly visits to the UK and Crufts. Besides the UK I have judged Cockers in Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavian countries, USA, Japan, South Africa, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Estonia and Russia. I am qualified to judge all breeds in FCI groups 4,6,7 and 8 and some Terrier breeds.
I have been in head of many show committees, for example the Turku Top Dog Show committee as well as the main specialty of the Finnish Spaniel Association. At the moment I am a member of the Board of the Finnish Kennel Club and Chairman of the Judges and Shows Committee of the Finnish Kennel Club and Finnish Kennel Club delegate in the FCI Show and Judges Commission and Finnish Kennel Club delegate in the Nordic Kennel Union Breed Specific Information Committee. By profession I sell rosettes and doggy art and gift items and I have a gallery in the center of Turku city. Besides breeding I am interested in doggy art and photographing.

Evgeny Kuplyauskas Russia
Eugeny Kuplyauskas has worked with dogs since 1978. He became judge in 1984 and at the moment he is Judge (FCI) for All breeds and the National Judge (RKF) on working dogs. Judge in many countries of Europe (Including Eurodogshow, WorldDogShow), East countries, USA and Latin America, Oceania. The Doctor of biology, studies questions of reproduction of dogs. The author and lecturer of the programs on Kynologic. Has qualification Top management (MBA).
In Russian Kynological Federation (RKF) he is the member of a Commission of qualification of the Judges. The Chairman of the Judges Board. The member of organizational committee of the main exhibitions RKF – EURASIA, RUSSIA and GOLDEN COLLAR. Significant activities in kynology awarded the gold badge RKF-RFLS and diploma RKF-RFLS President. In his family there has been Airedale Terrier, German Shepherd Dog, Doberman, Afghan Hound, French Bulldog, English Bulldog, Schnauzer, St. Bernard, Russian Spaniel, Basset Hound, Scottish Terrier.

Jukka Kuusisto Finland
I have liked animals since my childhood. I bought my first dog – despite of the opinion of my parents – a Cocker Spaniel in 1967. Next year I was lucky to get a work during the summer months in a Swedish Boxer kennel and went there also next summer. During these months I learned a real lot of dogs. I have always liked all breeds and that is why I have had many different breeds. With my prefix “Lecibsin” I have bred for example Cocker Spaniels, Finnish Lapphunds, Tibetan Spaniels and German Spitzes. In 1986 I was qualified to judge and nowadays I judge breeds from the FCI groups 2, 5,6,7,8 9 and 10.