Judges F-H
Click the name of the judge to open the introduction.
Carlos Fernandez Renau Spain
I have been in the game all my life....as a junior showing for other people, winning my first BIS at 18 years old showing a Great Dane. Later I have bred more than 350 champions all over the world with number 1 dog all breeds in many countries. During the years I have been breeding Poodles of all sizes, Malteses, Bichon Frise, Standard Long Haired Dachshunds, Miniature Schnauzers and American Cockers. As a judge I have been judging already half of the world at top level ..doing BIS at Helsinki, Stockholm, Melboune royal etc.

Enrique Filippini Argentina
Filippini started his canine activity on the Argentinean dog clubs more than forty years ago. His experience in purebred dogs began with the breeding and exhibition of Boxers followed by Miniature Pinschers, Borzoi and Italian Greyhound. Later more breeds were introduced in his kennel for breeding and exhibition, for example Afghan Hound, Doberman, Fox Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and Shih Tzu with prefix “Alba’s Imperial”. In 1983 he stared to judge the group IX and was recognized as All Breeds judge in 1988 and he is a specialist judge of Poodle, Chihuahua, Dalmatian, Shih Tzu, Kuvasz and Afghan Hound. Besides Argentina and Latin America he has judged in Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Israel, Russia, Japan, the Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Switzerland, England, USA, Belgium, Portugal, Luxembourg, Sweden, Iceland, Thailand and South Africa.

Jari Fors Finland
I was born into a family, where there were always hunting dogs, Finnish Hound and Finnish Spitz. When I was 15 years old and started to hunt alone there was in my home a very famous Finnish Hound male, Jallu. It was that dog, who won my heart for the Finnish Hound. I have been breeding Finnish Hounds together with my wife since 1986 under the prefix “Alapörkän”. As a judge I qualified for the Finnish Hound in 1993 and nowadays I judge all breeds in group 6 and most breeds in group 5.

Arne Foss Norway
I live in Trondheim in the middle of Norway and work as a marketing consultant in a newspaper office. I got my first dog – a Dalmaian – Stokklias Paper Moon in 1977 and since then I was active in the breed for 31 years. My kennel prefix is Paper Moon and it is co-owned by Elisabeth Bugge Olsen, who is also a handler. Nowadays I breed Great Danes and Whippets, earlier I have bred Dalmatians, Chihuahuas and Lagotto Romagnolos. In 2000, the Dog of The Year in Norway was a Whippet, Paper Moon Parisian Maiden and I have also had BIS and BIS breeders groups at our main Great Dane Specialty and Best In Show at Whippet Club Shows and Sighthound Shows as well as several times Top Winning Dalmatian and Whippet in Norway. I judged my first open show in 1990 and got my judging license for the Dalmatians in 1995. All Breed judge I am since 2010. I am judging all over the world, between 30-40 weekends every year. I have been a member of the Judging Educational and Standard Committee in the Norwegian Kennel Club for many years. My other interests are reading, Italian cars and supporting my soccer-team Rosenborg! I am really looking forward to the FCI World Dog Show in Helsinki. At the last WDS in Helsinki I was as an exhibitor. To be a judge this time is a dream coming true.

Michael Gadsby Great Britain
Mike Gadsby started the Afterglow kennel in 1980. In 2013 he was the breeder of the top dog all breeds and winner of the Eukanuba World Challenge with the Standard Poodle Ch /Am Ch Afterglow Maverick Sabre owned and handled by his partner Jason Lynn. This was to be a vintage year when another landmark was achieved when the kennel bred two of the group leaders in this table as the top gundog went to the American Cocker Spaniel Sh Ch Afterglow Pearl's A Singer.
Another American, Sh Ch Afterglow Dragon Quest, became the 3rd overall winner of the prestigious `Pup of the Year `contest in February. In between the hundredth UK show champion bred or owned by Afterglow, encompassing 18 breeds, had been made up, and that brought the number of individual best in show winners to 16, covering four breeds! Ricky is the fourth all-breeds Top Dog for the kennel. In 1997 the American Cocker Sh Ch Boduf Pistols At Dawn with Afterglow, then in 2005 another american cocker Sh Ch Afterglow Douglas Fashion, whilst in 2008 Ch/Am Ch Afterglow The Big Tease, the white Standard Poodle, was the leader. On several other occasions the kennel has topped the gundog, utility or hound group in the table. Icing on the cake this year Ricky went Best In Show at Crufts!

Hugo Gesquiére Belgium
Inspector of police halftime. Starting to purchase first Belgian Shepherd dog in 1969. From then on and without interruption to the present day, actually fully active in the dog sport with all its facets and application. Since 1971 creation breeders kennel Tervuerens “van het Davidshof”. Since 1980 international exhibition judge for Belgian Shepherds, judge in the discipline Belgian ring and field work. Breeder and owner of Amigo van het Davidshof, Int Ch, Belgian Ch, Dutch Ch, Lux Ch and Belgian Working Champion. Non-stop competitions with own dogs in Mondioring, IPO-field and discipline. Inspector of police service dogs from 1976 to 2005. Very honoured to be the judge referred to be in the FCI World Finland Helsinki Exhibtion 2014.

Claudio de Giuliani Italy
In my life I have always had the dogs as my companion: when I was a child and I joined my father in the hunting and later when I became an hunt, before with a hound, later with a pointing dog, but never without a dog. I have bred at first the German Shorthaired Pointer, winning in the show competitions. My great love for the German breeds did know to me also the German Longhaired Pointer and I started to breed them; some of them become important in the show competitions and in the hunt. I was the first Italian breeder who imported the German Longhaired Pointer into Italy and I had the first Champion in Italy of this breed. I was in the Italian Kennel Club Committee and in the Italian Judge Committee. I like writing articles regarding the dogs and I have written on the most popular Italian dogs’ magazine and I have also written 12 books. I like the hunt and walking on the mountains and photographing the nature. With my wife Manuela I’m breeding Dachshund, with a good success, with many show champions. We have also one Chihuahua and one Sheltie. I began to judge in the 1979. Now I am All Rounder since 2004. I have already judged in all Europe countries, in Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Usa, Australia, South Africa, Japan and China.

Graham Godfrey Great Britain
Graham’s first involvement in the world of pedigree dogs came in the 1970’s with Cardigan Welsh Corgis, a breed recently returned to the kennel. For many years Graham travelled to shows with Ann Winters, owner of the renowned Rosskear Pomeranians, and during this period exhibited a Pug purchased from the famous Eastonite kennel. At Crufts in 1986 Ann introduced Graham to Chris Thomas and shortly after they formed a partnership that to this day campaigns several breeds under the Kingrock affix. To date the kennel has owned or bred 53 champions in Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Boston Terriers and Mastiffs with the vast majority being Bulldogs. The current Bulldog being shown, Ch. Kingrock Captain Cook, is one of those Bulldogs who is a joy to exhibit. Top Bulldog (UK) 2012, Bulldog of the Year (UK), 2013, DCC Crufts 2013 and DCC, Best of Breed, Utility Group 4 Crufts 2014. Graham has had the pleasure of judging Bulldogs and French Bulldogs around the world including much of Europe and Scandinavia and as far away as New Zealand. Away from the world of dogs, Graham’s other passion is Dairy Goats. Various breeds have been exhibited and bred for nearly 50 years and Graham has been a British Goat Society licenced judge for nearly 40 years.

Kathy Gorman Great Britain
Kathy acquired her first show dog, a Welsh Springer Spaniel, in 1980 and bred her first litter in 1982. Then in 1983, she acquired a Brittany from the second litter to be born in the UK and from then onwards has bred, shown Field Trialled and worked both breeds with a considerable amount of success, making up Champions in both breeds.
She started judging in 1987 and was honored to be chosen to award the first ever set of Challenge Certificates to Brittanys at Crufts in 1997. She is passed to award Challenge Certificates in 16 Gundog breeds.In 2009, she was honored to judge Irish Water Spaniels at Crufts followed by Welsh Springer Spaniels in 2013. She was a Secondary school teacher for 12 years and her interest in education has carried on into the world of dogs and is now a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer in Conformation and Movement, delivering lectures and seminars to aspiring judges. Kathy is also a member of the Kennel Club and is currently Vice-Chairman and Health Co-ordinator for the Brittany Club of Great Britain. In her professional life, Kathy has been Managing Director of Fosse Data Systems since 1994. Fosse Data Systems is a dog show printing services company which is closely involved with the Kennel Club on many levels and which provides online entry, catalogue compilation and results services for many dog shows, large and small, including Crufts.
At present, she shares her home with three Welsh Springers and when not judging, lecturing or spending time to France, she still manages to show them from time to time!

Adriana Griffa Italy
I own Newfoundland since 1980 and I breed under prefix "Geminorum" since 1985. I am proud to say that I bought only one Newfoundland, my foundation bitch.. Breeding not even a litter per year Geminorum has a very strong home breed champion bitches line. Using continental (German and Danish) and American lines I produced many champions in different European countries, 5 American champions, 1 World champion and 1 european champion. Introducing white & black blood on my lines, I produced right now more than 10 white & black multi-champions. I also breed grey Poodle and recently Italian Volpinos. I am FCI judge since 1991 for Newfoundland, and then for other breeds of Groups 2, all Group 1, all Group 9, all Group 10 and all Italian Breeds. I am teacher judge for Newfoundland and for Bernese. I judged in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, England, Ireland, Latvia, Estland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Siberia, Russia, Israel and America. I judged at World Dog Show several times, Italy 2000, France 2011, Hungary 2013 and then I will judge in Finland 2014.

Elina Haapaniemi Finland
My first breed was Rottweiler and I have owned several of them. However my breeding focused on Pyrenean Mountain Dogs with prefix “Aspenella”. I have also owned Shibas. I have been judging dogs for over 30 years and have judged in the Nordic countries and in most of the European countries and for example in Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. I judge breeds in the FCI groups 1,2,3,5,6,8,9 and 10. In addition to the dog hobby I like travelling, reading and classical music and especially collecting old dog books.

Magnus Hagstedt Sweden
Magnus Hagstedt went to his first dog-show in his pre-school years, and never wanted to leave. In fact he never really left and has spent his life with pure-bred dogs. Friends of his parents had a successful kennel of Yorkshire Terriers in the 50ies and 60ies, but the main connection are with the Sighthounds and the FCI group 10, and it was meeting his first Afghan Hound that became the major importance in his life with dogs. His first was born in 1965 at the famous El Khyria kennels of Chrsitina Jernberg, and she has been followed by several later champions. Since 1971 his main breed has been Whippets with the Signum prefix (now owned with Roger Wiklund). The canine pack at Signum also house a small home-bred family of Chihuahuas. Magnus became a judge in 1983, and now judge breeds in four FCI groups, 3, 5, 9 and 10. His assignments include FCI World shows, Crufts and important breed specialties around the world, including the American Whippet Club National, the largest Whippet show in the world. Magnus studied languages, literature, theatre and drama at the University of Stockholm, and work as a journalist for a publishing company in Stockholm. He enjoys everything horticultural and is a dedicated gardener.

Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen Finland
Paula became judge in 1976 and now she is judges all breed. She has also been a judge of Terrier and Dachshund underground trials. She has been judging all over the world in approximately 50 countries. Paula has been very active in the club work and has worked in the editorial of “Koiramme” – the magazine of the Finnish Kennel Club for five years. At the moment she is the President of the Finnish Dog Show Judge’s Soceity, member of the Breed Standards Commission of the Finnish Kennel Club, President of the Fox Terrier Association, President of the regional Kennel Club Salpauselän Kennelpiiri and Chairman of the Lahti International Dog Show in which she was Secretary over 30 years. Paula is also correspondent to numerous foreign dog newsletters and gazettes. She has been awarded several medals, for example the golden medal of the Finnish Kennel Club. Her other hobby is teddybears, which she has quite an amount from Finland and also from foreign countries.

Torsten Himmrich Germany
I had many contacts with animals during my childhood, but especially dogs influenced my life. The first terrier was a Scottish Terrier puppy male coming to our home in 1980. He was not a special show dog but gives me the first contacts to the terrier club. Later I got a West Highland White terrier bitch and my mum and I decided to breed terriers. Our first litter was born in 1983 and we had about 25 litters till 1991 when my mother died. Because of my work it was not possible to keep all the dogs at my home. Just two of them, both Scottish Terriers, shared their life with me.
But dog shows are more my passion than breeding dogs. So I traveled to many shows all over Europe. My greatest success was winning the world champion title and the breed at the 1991 show at Dortmund, Germany. Dogs out of my kennel have been quite successful at shows. “Fellow” Scottish Terriers obtain many different championships and titles. “Fellow Maid Marion” was also a Best in Show winner and the top winning Scottish in Germany 1997. Twice a Sealyham shared my life. Now a Jack Russell Terrier lives with us.
In 1991 I started my judging educations, in the beginning of 1993 I got the license to judge seven different terrier breeds and finished the terrier group in 2005. Till now I judged in most of the European countries and had the honor to judge at FCI World- and European winner shows.
Since November 2013 I'm the President of the German Terrier Club KfT.

Mark Houston-McMillan Canada
I have been breeding and showing Shetland Sheepdogs and Dachshunds for more than 28 years under the GrandGables kennel name. My achievements in Shetland Sheepdogs and Dachshunds include the breeding of National and Specialty winners - Westminster, Crufts & World Show winners and All Breed Best in Show winners in several countries. Some of the other breeds I have owned include a German Shepherd, Boston Terrier, Fox Terrier, Brussels Griffon and a Chinese Crested. I started my judging in South Africa and currently judge all breeds in Canada . I have had the fortune to judge the US Miniature Dachshund National and the US Shetland Sheepdog National. Besides judging in Canada and the US, I have also judged in Australia, Brazil, Chilli, Finland, Holland, Iceland, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, South Africa and UK.