Judges A-E
Click the name of the judge to open the introduction.
Giuseppe Alessandra Italy
Giuseppe bought his first dog, a Boxer, in 1956, and has achieved several successes in Italy and abroad with his own "dell" Albriz breeding kennel. He is the President of the A.T.I.MA.NA., International Technical Association for the Neapolitan Mastiff, since 1993. He has been a dog-judge for over 45 years, and All-Rounder since 1985. Has judged in every European Country as well as in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. One of a few Italian Judges to have done the World Championship of 1980, 1990 (B.I.S. Judge), 1992, 1998, 2000, 2001, and 2002, and the European Championship of 19990, 1991, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003 and 2006. As well as for Boxers his interest is in Terriers, Greyhounds, Neapolitan Mastiff, Chihuahua and all Italian Breeds. In 1982-1983 he wrote an Encyclopedia, in 4 volumes, on all dog breeds which has been translated in French. During his long career he won 39 B.I.S. with Boxer, Whippet, Norfolk, Kerry Blue, Fox Terrier and Chihuahua. His important success, Kerry Blue Terrier, Ch. Torum Jo El Rey, has been Top Dog over all Breeds in Italy in 1991, winning 12 B.I.S. in Europe.

Anthony Allen Great Britain
I was five years old when a Labrador first entered the Allen household. A Labrador fitted the bill exactly, so Heidi joined the family. By 1980 my parents decided to look for another Labrador. They tracked down a litter by the Crufts BOB winner, Sh Ch Stajantors Honest John. From this litter they choose a very proud puppy, who turned out to be the beginning of our breeding programme - Sh Ch Squire Harvey of Allenie had fantastic success, a group winner and Best of Breed at Crufts in 1985.
Since those early successes there have been many other consistent Champions, CC, RCC and championship show winners which we have campaigned. Including Sh Ch Allenie Maverick who was top winning Labrador in the UK in 2009 and UK, Am and Can Ch Salty Dog of Tampa Bay who was top dog 2012, number 2 Gundog and number 7 all breeds. With my partner Richard we also own an English Springer Spaniel, my second breed. Also in our household we also have an English Setter, an Irish Setter and a Weimaraner.
I started judging at the age of 21 back in 1990 and since then I have had the pleasure of judging all over the world. I awarded my first set of CC’s in Labradors 2006. I am very excited to be judging Labradors at the World Show in Helsinki 2014.

António José Amaral Portugal
António José Amaral was born in the island of S.Miguel, in the Azores. He started to breed dogs fifty years ago. Under the affix “dos Açores “, he bred Pointer , English Setter, German Pointer, Fox Terrier, Whippet, Giant and Miniature Schnauzer, Doberman, German Sheepdog, Portuguese Podengo, Portuguese Waterdog, Siberian Husky, Cocker Spaniel, Epagneul Breton and Fila de S. Miguel. He was part of the group that recovered and made possible the recognition of Fila de S. Miguel (S. Miguel Cattle Dog) by the Portuguese Kennel Club in 1984 and FCI in 1995. He is the co-author of its standard and of the book published in 2003 about the breed. In 1997 he has submitted a proposal for the standard of Barbado da Terceira (Terceira Cattle Dog), recognized as the 10th Portuguese breed by the Portuguese Kennel Club in 2004. He was Delegate of the Portuguese Kennel Club in the Azores from 1982 to 2007, and during that period of time responsible for the organization of several dog shows. Judge in dog shows since1984, he judges 80 breeds and has performed in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, Romania, Ukraine, Switzerland, Finland, Russia, Hungary and France. He also judges field trials with pointing dogs since 1995.

Diane Anderson U.S.A
I have bred, owned and shown Old English Sheepdogs since 1969. My “Likeabear” lines have produced and are still producing champions in Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States.
In 1975 I attained my judging license and have since judged around the world at all breed and specialty shows at Group and BIS level. Some of the highlights of my long career include: The Royal Melbourne Show, OES National Specialties in the US and Canada, World Show, 2 Newfoundland Gold Cup Shows and Euro Show. Along the way I have been blessed to have known so many wonderful exhibitors, legends and mentors in our sport….one of the most influential being, Finland’s own, Hans Lehtinen. The 2014 World Show in Finland is therefore one of those very special shows for me for many reasons and I am truly honored to have the privilege of judging three wonderful breeds here.

Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel Germany
I started breeding Basset Hounds about 35 years ago. My bitch was the first Basset Hound of all FCI-countries to achieve the title “Champion International de Beaute”. My first male Basset Hound won 13 Champion-titles and was awarded 3 working certificates. As I always longed to have a big dog, on behalf of my birthday in 1985 my husband surprised me with a Dobermann. This dog “Graf Guido vom Franckenhorst” held 20 champion titles in 13 different countries and sired many bitches coming from almost all parts of the world with the result of more than 1 600 puppies. I have been FCI judge since 1975 and am specialist for 63 different breeds and in 1987 I qualified as an allrounder. I have judged nearly in every European country and in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Kenya, New Zealand, Philippines, Peru, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, USDA and Zimbabwe. This is not the first time I am judging in Helsinki at the World Dog Show. I am looking forward to this show.

Alexey Belkin Russia
By education I am a zooengineer. I have bred Labrador Retrievers over 10 years and has had at home also Giant Schnauzers, Schnauzers, Airedale Terriers and Basset Hounds. I am an all round judge and has judged exhibitions in many countries on different continents. I am member of the Presidium of the Russian Kennel Club (RKF) and chairman of its show committee. I am also President of the Kennel Club of Nizhniy Novgorod – my home town.

Hans v d Berg The Netherlands
When I was born, Popof a Scottish Terrier, stood guard at my cradle and even now I enjoy my 2 Scotties every second. Under the Rymore prefix I bred may champions and cc winners in Scotties, Norfolk Terriers and Chihuahuas. Judging started in 1978 and the first breed I gave tickets to was the Scottish Terrier. At the moment I am judging almost every weekend. I judged in almost every European country and numerous European Winner shows and World Winner shows. Judged in Asia, New Zealand, Africa, USA, Canada, Australia| and many South American countries. Judging Crufts was a great expierence and I am very much looking forward doing BIS in England for the fourth time! The breeds I am invited for at your FCI Word Show are very close to my heart and I am very much looking forward doing them!

Andrew Brace Great Britain
His first pedigree dog was the Boxer he owned at the age of eleven. After modest success with Boxers, he turned his attentions to the Toy breeds, notably Pekingese in which breed he made up his first champion. Subsequently his TRAGBAND affix became more associated with Beagles and Afghan Hounds, his Beagle bitch CH. TOO DARN HOT FOR TRAGBAND holding the all-time record for CCs won in the breed. Andrew first awarded CCs in Pekingese in 1977, judged his first Toy Group at Championship level in 1981 and became the UK’s youngest All Breeds Championship Best in Show judge in 1988. He is the author of several specialist books and is a regular contributor to several canine periodicals around the world. .
Andrew Brace has been approved by the Kennel Club to award CCs in more than 90 breeds across all the groups, and judges all Groups as well as Best in Show.He has judged extensively overseas, officiating in the USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Colombia, Barbados, Trinidad, Puerto Rico, Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Italy, France, Holland, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Iceland and Ireland. Andrew regularly gives seminars at home and overseas on a variety of canine topics.

Andrew Burt Australia
I have been involved in dogs for some 40 years. My main involvement has been with Bullmastiffs. I have been lucky enough to both own and handle some top quality Bullmastiffs to some very strong wins. I first joined the committee of the Bullmastiff Club of Victoria around 25 years ago and held the position of President for ten years. Over the last 20 years I have successfully bred and exhibited Shiba Inu under the “Kazumi” prefix breeding and owning some Shibas that have reached BIS level. Other breeds with which I have some involvement include Whippets, Setters, French Bulldogs, Shih Tzu and Labradors.
I have been judging at Championship Show level for over 25 years and I am licensed to judge all breeds. I have judged throughout Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, UK and several countries in Europe.

David Cavill Great Britain
David Cavill trained as a teacher and taught for over 23 years. He publishes the weekly publication Our Dogs and owned the magazine Dogs Monthly from 1992 until 2007. He has written three books about dogs with a fourth, Running Your Own Boarding Kennels now in its fourth revised edition. He founded the Animal Care College in 1980 and created the Eukanuba Rescue Dog of the Year Competition. He writes regularly for Our Dogs and runs the increasingly influential iJD web site (www.ijudgedogs.co.uk).
With his wife, Angela, he was joint manager of Bell Mead, Battersea Dogs’ Home’s large Country Kennels at Old Windsor and Deputy to the Director General of the Home for eleven years so he has also been deeply involved in the world of stray and rescue dogs and cats.
He first became involved with the world of dogs as a breeder of Finnish Spitz. He was a committee member of the Finnish Spitz Club. With Angela, who was herself Secretary and subsequently Chairman of the FS Club, he owns the 'Toveri' kennel name, one of the U.K.'s most successful breeding prefixes. He is show manager and Chairman of Southern Counties Canine Association, one of the U.K.'s major dog shows and and is President of the British Rottweiler Association. He is a well-known judge officiating regularly in Britain and abroad. He is passed to award Challenge Certificates in many breeds across three groups.

Paddy Christey Great Britain
I first became involved in Staffordshire Bull Terriers when I purchased my first Kennel Club registered dog in 1987. A friend informed me of the local breed club in my area and I took my puppy to the local handling classes. Several people suggested to me about entering my dog in the show scene. It was then I had the bug and continued to campaign this dog, whose name was Caballero Fire Fighter and later he became champion. On my journey in the world of dog showing I became so passionate and become involved as chairman of my breed club. I was also a delegate for the breed council of Staffords. I became a judge at both open shows, breed clubs and then championship show judge. Besides England I have judged in Australia, Spain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. I am delighted and very honored to be invited to officiate at the FCI World Dog Show in Helsinki, Finland. I wish all exhibits and their owners and handlers an enjoyable and successful show.

Francesco Cochetti Italy
His father was a judge and bred together with mother Poodles with the prefix “Della Perla Grigia”. His affix “Di San Gimignano” was recognized by the Italian Kennel Club in the year 1984. At that time he bred Poodles. He began to breed and show Chihuahuas year 1996 after marrying a Chihuahua breeder Tuula Lehtinen-Cochetti (Misty Meadow’s Chihuahuas). They have won many Championship titles with their Chihuahuas and Poodles including World and European Winners. Together with his wife he bred more than 400 Champions. He became a judge in year 1992 and in March 2013 he became an all rounder.
At the moment he is the President of the Rome Kennel Club and Board member of the Italian Maltese and Bolognese Club and he has been a committee member of Club Cani Compagnia and the president of the Chihuahua Club (under Club Cani Compagnia).
He has judged all over the world, in more than 40 different countries, including World and European Shows. He has judged BIS in Germany, Finland, Italy, Norway, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines.He is the writer of a Chihuahua’s book which have been translated in different languages. He has been often the lecturer for seminars organized also abroad, for Bolognese Maltese, Chihuahua, Poodle and Jack Russell Terrier.

Lydia Coleman Hutchinson U.S.A
Lydia has been involved with dogs her entire life and attended her first dog show in 1949. The breed to which she has devoted her life is the Cairn Terrier, and her WOLFPIT KENNEL, shared with her deceased parents, has accounted for more than 235 A.K.C. Champions, including numerous top winners and producers. Lydia still continues to breed and show on a limited but successful basis. She also was very involved with Miniature Poodles in her teen years.
Her judging career began in 1964 with approval for Cairns, followed by Poodles in 1966. Today she judges all Terriers, all Toys, all Herding breeds, Giant and Standard Schnauzers and, of course, Poodles. She has judged specialties for many of these breeds and was the Terrier Group judge at Westminster Kennel Club in 1997. She also has judged internationally in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, England, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, and Sweden.
Education is one of Lydia's key concerns, and she served as Education Chairman of the Cairn Terrier Club of America for 12 years and continues on that committee.
Her interests outside of dogs range from Bible study to historic preservation and antiques to gardening and travel. She has been married since 1960 to Dwight Hutchinson, and they are the happy parents/grandparents of three children and five grandchildren.

Geoff Corish Great Britain
Geoff Corish started his career when a teenager with West highland white Terriers and bred a champion in his first ever litter. He then began handling professionally and has handled more WHWT champions than anyone ever. He then branched out into other breeds and has made champions in hundreds of breeds. He began breeding Lhasa apsos under his SEALAW affix and owned the world famous Ch Saxonsprings Fresno, acknowledged as the greatest of her breed. from her he bred several champions and group winners and Fresno herself was the Dog of the Year. Geoff also breeds and handles French Bulldogs with great success. In 2013 he judged Best in Show at Crufts, and in 2000 the terrier group and in 2012 the non sporting groups at crufts too. He has judged in all corners of the world, Japan, USA, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Belgium, Luxembourg, Thailand. And in 2013 India and China.
He is partnered with Michael Coad of the world famous Pamplona Bichon Frise and Std Poodles, and together have been the top UK kennel for 13 consecutive years.

Claudio de Giuliani Italy
In my life I have always had the dogs as my companion: when I was a child and I joined my father in the hunting and later when I became an hunt, before with a hound, later with a pointing dog, but never without a dog. I have bred at first the German Shorthaired Pointer, winning in the show competitions. My great love for the German breeds did know to me also the German Longhaired Pointer and I started to breed them; some of them become important in the show competitions and in the hunt. I was the first Italian breeder who imported the German Longhaired Pointer into Italy and I had the first Champion in Italy of this breed. I was in the Italian Kennel Club Committee and in the Italian Judge Committee. I like writing articles regarding the dogs and I have written on the most popular Italian dogs’ magazine and I have also written 12 books. I like the hunt and walking on the mountains and photographing the nature. With my wife Manuela I’m breeding Dachshund, with a good success, with many show champions. We have also one Chihuahua and one Sheltie. I began to judge in the 1979. Now I am All Rounder since 2004. I have already judged in all Europe countries, in Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Usa, Australia, South Africa, Japan and China.

Tapio Eerola Finland
Tapio is the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine of the Finnish Kennel Club, “Koiramme”. He breeds Hovawarts, Cairn Terriers and Karelian Bear Dogs together with Mrs Kaija Eerola and their prefix is “Hovarian”. They have been awarded the Vuolasvirta prize – the highest award of the Finnish Kennel Club for the results of successful breeding. Tapio is a Character Test judge and is the chairman of the Breed Council of the Finnish Hovawart Club and is a member of the Judges Committee of the Finnish Spitz Club. He has also written a book “Suomen Koirarodut” (Dog Breeds in Finland). Tapio became a show judge in 1993 and nowadays he is an all breed judge.

Espen Engh Norway
Born into a family where Greyhounds have been part of everyday life for almost 60 years. The first litter carrying the prefix Jet’s was bred by Espen and his late mother Kari in 1975. The Jet’s are the top winning Greyhound kennel of all time, having made up 185 individual homebred champions with more than 640 champion titles in 60 different countries, including 87 FCI International champions. Over the years 36 homebred Jet Greyhounds have won Best in Show and eight homebred Greyhounds have become World Champions in recent years.
Int.Ch.Jet’s Once Upon A Dream was Norway’s Dog of the Year in 2001, Int.Ch.Jet’s Something In The Way U Smile in 2003 and Ch.Jet’s Just Take Me Home Tonight in 2013. Espen has imported several international champion Whippets and has also co-owned several Afghan Hounds champions with his life partner Åge Gjetnes. Their latest venture is Griffon Bruxellois where the first Jet champions have been made up, including a homebred English champion. Espen was first approved to judge at championship show level in 1987 and was approved to judge all breeds in 2011. Judging appointments include 87 countries all over the world. A veterinarian by education and besides dogs he is interested in art, music and architecture.

Dan Ericsson Sweden
I have been very actively involved in the world of show dogs for more than 40 years and I bred my first litter of Scottish Terrier puppies in 1971.My prefix is Raglan. Since then I have been faithful to the breed and I have up until now bred 147 champions many of which have been exported to most parts of the world. In 2001 one of my Scotties won Top Dog All Breeds in Sweden and in 2003 another Scottie won Reserve BIS at Cruft’s having previously won Top Terrier in Britain. I have also owned and shown BIS-winning Pekingese and have been involved in other terrier breeds, and in particular with West Highland White Terriers. For many years I have also had a special interest in Labrador Retrievers, another breed which I own and show successfully culminating in several homebred champions. Over the years I have also been actively involved in various dog clubs and served on several kennel club committees, including breed standards and judging. For many years I was also president of the Swedish Terrier Club and The Scottish Terrier Club. At the present time I am chairman of The Swedish Labrador Retriever Club. Time permitting, I lecture on dogs and submit articles to various dog publications. Judging has taken me around the world several times and I have been fortunate enough to judge at some of the world’s most prestigious events including many appointments at FCI World and European Shows, but I also judge on a regular basis in Britain and other countries worldwide. I judge most weekends every year all over the world and I am approved by the FCI to judge all breeds.

Dan Ericsson Ruotsi
Olen ollut aktiivisesti mukana koiranäyttelyharrastuksessa yli 40 vuotta. Kasvatin ensimmäisen skotlanninterrieripentueeni vuonna 1971 ja kennelnimeni on "Raglan". Olen ollut rodulle uskollinen ja kasvattanut 147 muotovaliota, joista useat ovat matkanneet eri puolille maailmaa. Vuonna 2001 yksi skottini oli Vuoden Koira Ruotsissa ja vuonna 2003 kasvattini oli Englannissa Vuoden Terrieri ja vuonna 2004 samainen koira oli Cruftsissa Best In Show 2. Olen myös omistanut BIS-voittaja kiinanpalatsikoiran ja ollut vahvasti mukana valkoisten länsiylämaanterriereiden kasvatustyössä. Olen ollut useiden vuosien ajan kiinnostunut labradorinnoutajista ja kasvatan rotua menestyksekkäästi. Olen vuosien varrella toiminut aktiivisesti useissa rotujärjestöissä sekä Ruotsin Kennelliiton toimikunnissa, kuten rotumääritelmä- ja ulkomuototuomaritoimikunnassa. Olin useiden vuosien ajan Ruotsin Skotlanninterrieriyhdistyksen puheenjohtaja ja tällä hetkellä olen Ruotsin Labradorikerhon puheenjohtaja. Jos aika antaa myöden, pidän koira-aiheisia luentoja sekä kirjoitan koira-aiheisia artikkeleita useisiin koira-alan julkaisuihin. Arvostelumatkani ovat vieneeb minua kaikkialle maailmaan ja olen saanut arvostella maailman huippunäyttelyissä, kuten FCI:n Maailman Voittaja - ja Euroopan Voittaja -näyttelyssä ja arvostelen myös säännöllisesti Iso-Britanniassa. Arvostelen useimpina viikonloppuina ympäri maailmaan ja olen FCI:n kaikkien rotujen tuomari.