Judges P-S
Click on the name of the judge to see introductions.
Annukka Paloheimo Finland
Dr Annukka Paloheimo, FCI All breeds judge, has been active in dog world for over 40 years, as a breeder and exhibitor, and since 1986 also as a judge. She is a Toy breed specialist and has been breeding successfully Cavalier King Charles and King Charles Spaniels under prefix “Anncourt”, since 1971. She has bred/owned over 60 Champions, some of them winning also at Crufts. She is a member of The Kennel Club, Britain. She has judged several times in USA, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Italy and Scandinavia, all in all in over 30 countries so far, including Australia, Japan and Russia. She is FCI All breeds judge and is licensed to judge all FCI breeds, groups and Best in Show. Her rigorous education and training comes from the famous Finnish allrounders, maestros of the art, Mr Hans Lehtinen, Mr Rainer Vuorinen and Mr Kari Järvinen.
She has now officiated in two World Winner shows and had the honour of judging Best of Group 9 at World Winner show in Paris, France in 2011. Amsterdam Winner 2012 saw her judging the terrier group, Stockholm 2012 the breeders group and Russia’s Eurasier 2013 Best of Group 9. She is invited to judge at World Winner show in Helsinki 2014. Dr Paloheimo is a respected research specialist in banking and investment services. Her family consists of two adult sons and a husband whose family history is strongly in classical music, Sibelius. Besides dogs, her passion is opera and nature.

Matti Palojärvi Finland
I am retired Detective Superintendent. During the hunting season I spend a lot of time in the woods with Finnish Hound and Karelian Bear Dog. When my dogs are having a rest, I go to the sea for fishing both in summer and in winter. Every now and then I am spending time with my wife, even during the hunting season and in the autumn we often go to the woods for mushrooms and different berries. Last autumn I picked 640 kg lingonberries. We have three grandchildren and we like to spend time with them and also biking is in our interests.

Dusan Paunovic Serbia
I started with chihuahuas in 1989 when I was 12 years old and got first Chihuahua show dog from Italy. Then it comes like all crazy dog lovers with shows,in beginning I was in very early age ring stewards and helping with shows a lot,then in 1997. I became national judge and waited till I am 25 to become int.FCI judge,from that time I judge in 40 countries all around the world. also not so bad breeder with many World winners,European Winners ,Int and nat champions.It is my big pelasure to judge on your show and hope it will be biggest WDS ever :)

Jose Luis Payro Mexico
Jose Luis Payro was born in Mexico City and he is a Veterinarian Medicine. From an early age he had love for dogs and after receiving his degree he opened a veterinary clinic, a business that untill today still works. Currently he is the Chairman and Member of the Board of the Mexican Kennel Club, Director of the School of Veterinary Medicine on the Universidad del Valle de Mexico and member of the FCI Standard Commission. He is a breeder Afghan Hounds, Dobermanns, Rottweiler and Great Danes. He was the organizer of the FCI World Dog Shows in 1984, 1999 and 2007. He was licensed to judge all breeds in 1982 and he has judged internationally in Mexico, Central and South America, Japan, Canada,USA, Australia, New Zealand and many European countries,

Guido Perosino Italy
Guido has inherited his love for dogs and animals from his father, a breeder himself, and is very interested in the "big mountain dogs", especially in Leonbergers that has been breeding since 1986, along with another immense “love”: Arabian horses. Under the kennel names “Berljon” and “Del Sambro” he bred or owned over 50 champions in 10 different countries.
Recently he became a breeder of top winners Welsh Corgi Pembrokes Guido Perosino got a degree in Agricultural Science, with a specialization in animal breeding and zoo-technology. In his professional life he has been for several years the Director General of the Association of Italian Beef Cattle National Association and Secretary General of the International Italian Beef Cattle Union. He founded in 1987 the Leonberger Club of Italy (Club Italiano del Leonberger) and in 1995 became General Director of the Italian Kennel Club. Later he has been member of the Italian Kennel Club Board of Directors and Vice -president of its National Technical Breeding Commission. He also has been member of the Judges Committee and Breeding Committee of the F.C.I.
He has written articles and books, holding seminars about dog's morphology and conformation in Europe and Great Britain, USA, Russia, Australia. He judges approximately 30 breeds from group 2 and the Pyrenean Shepherd in group 1. Judged at World and European dog shows as well as International shows and /or Specialties all over Europe and in U.S.A., Russia, Mexico, Cuba, Australia and New Zealand.
Breeding dogs and horses apart Guido loves nature and art. For these reasons he has chosen to live in the most enchanting country side of Italy, in the Umbrian region, where the colourful nature meets with history and art of Italy.

Tuula Plathan Finland
Tuula’s first dog was a Cocker Spaniel and after that she had two Borzois. In 1974 Tuula and her husband Pekka bought a Tibetan Terrier and year after that came the foundation bitch of kennel “Karamain”. The first litter was born in 1978. After that there has been approximately one litter per year. At the moment they have Tibetan Terriers, Saluki and Braque du Bourbonnais at home.
Karamain Tibetan Terriers has been exported all over the world and there are about 100 show champions, including European and World Winners as well as many Tibetan Terriers of the Year. In 1992 Tuula got her first Tibetan Spaniel and has bred also successfully this breed.
Tuula became a judge 30 years ago and she can judge all breeds in group 10, almost all breeds in group 9 and some breeds in group 2,3 and 5. She has judged all over Europe, in USA, Australia and South Africa. Tuula has been and is actively working in different associations. She was many years secretary of the Finnish Tibetan Breeds Associations, breeding consult and editor of the newsletter of the Association as well as in charge of judges education. Tuula and Pekka with their friends grounded the Finnish Tibetan Terrier Club in 1981 and she is now clubs breeding consult. She is also a member of the Finnish Kennel Club Breed Standard Commission and a member of the board in the Finnish Show Judge’s Society. Besides dogs Tuula is a keen friend of opera and nature is also close to her heart.

Ramon Podesta Chile
I have been involved in pure breeds since my childhood and at the early age of twelve I finished my first champion dog. Since 1963, I have bred German Shepherds and I started my "Von Haussmann kennel" at Santiago-Chile in 1968. On this date I bought my first female Afghan. Since this date I have been involved in showing and breeding my Afghans in a regular basis.
For decades I have breed the top winnings Afghans in the country and some home bred dogs have been Number one Afghan Hound in others countries included Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Sweden and United Kingdom. Been an All Breeds judge since 1978 and has been judging in all Latin American countries, Canada, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Africa, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, England and Asia.

Sakari Poti Finland
When I was about 10 year, I got involved with Finnish Spitz and hunting. In 1970 I got my first Finnish Hound and since then that is the only breed I have had. At the moment I have three Finnish Hounds at home. Since 1984 I have been chief judge for hunting tests and show judge since 1993 judging breeds of the FCI groups 5 and 6. Besides Finland I have judged in Sweden and I have judge at many breeds specialties. I am the chairman of the Finnish Hound Associaton and in social life I am member of the local council and chairman of the municipal council of Laihia, my municipality.

Tuula Pratt Finland
My first Samoyed was a lovely sweet family puppy purchased in 1967. That dog inspired me as a child, to become interested in the breed, and many years later showing, breeding as well as developing ways of using the versatility of Samoyeds to explore outdoor situations including hiking, skiing and tracking wildlife. I have showed and bred Samoyeds with my mother under the 'Humoresque' prefix starting from 1986, resulting in a number of champions and other winners both in Finland and abroad.
My judging career started in 1990 and I have judged Samoyeds in different parts of the world. Nowadays I judge breeds from the FCI groups 1, 5 and 8.
More recently, I have developed an interest in the form and function of the Samoyed and have been giving international lectures to the breed clubs and associations.
By profession I am a teacher of physical and health education. I like skiing, hiking and roller skating. I am married to a British man and together we continue to explore the countryside in our respective countries with our pet Samoyed.
The FCI World Dog Show 2014 is a great honour for me in my judging career. I wish everybody a great and memorable show.

Reneé Rault France
Retriever owner since 1977, our first dogs were Labradors. Since 1990 we are breeding Goldens for our greater pleasure. All our dogs hunt and compete successfully in field trials. Under the kennel name “de l’Orfillec”, we won some champion’s tittles in shows as in working, favoring both qualities: morphology and abilities. The Golden bitch multi champion, U'Molly Sheallag de L'Orfillec has fulfilled all our wishes by winning a RCC at Crufts as several CC and RCC in England.
Retired teacher, I am judging since 1985 and I am qualified for all the 8th group. I judge also some breeds in the 6th and 9th group. I had the pleasure of judging in many European countries. I am very honored to judge this World Dog Show here in Helsinki.

John Reeve-Newson Canada
Dr.John Reeve-Newson graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1964. After graduation John practiced in Chicago for two years, then returned to Toronto and established “The Animal Clinics One and Two”, where he is still in active practice. With Dr. Richard Meen they established “Kishniga Kennels” in 1971. They have bred BIS winning Dobermanns, Old English Sheepdogs, Skye Terriers, French Bulldoggs, Borzois and Harriers. In 1977 Borzoi Kishinga’s Desert Song was Canada’s Top Dog All Breeds. The following year he was exhibited in the USA and was number tow Hound there. He is still the record holder for the breed with 47 all breed BIS in Canada and in the USA. His brother “Dalgarth” was the youngest of his breed to win BIS at nine months of age. In 1984 a grandson of Desert Song went BIS at the FCI World Dog Show in Acapulco. Dr Reeve-Newson since becoming licenced to judge, has officiated at countless shows in Canada, USA, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

Liliane De Ridder-Onghena Belgium
My wonderful association with dogs began in 1966. Together with my late husband Frans De Ridder, we bought a Dalmatian: Pluto. He was the classical beginners fault: no pedigree and later on we had to realize he was deaf as well. His wonderful temperament let us decide to have more Dalmatians (not 101…), and we imported some English dogs, started to show very successfully and we applied for our kennel name “Irdally’s” Under this prefix we have bred quite a number of champions. Later on our team expanded with the addition of Irish Wolfhounds and then you will understand our kennel name… Some 30 years ago I developed a strong interest in a Belgian breed: the Brussels Griffon, especially the smooth haired variety (Petit Brabançon). I don’t show any longer, but still have a Brussels Griffon and a Petit Brabançon, both whom provide great fun.
I applied to become a judge in 1973 and in 1996 I became Belgium’s first female All Rounder. I have judged extensively, including assignments on all continents. I have been honored to judge my beloved breeds at different World dog shows, and will judge in Helsinki the Dalmatians.
I am the chairman of the Belgian Chihuahua Club, I am the editor of the club news of the Belgian Dalmatian club for more than 40 years. Currently I am the Vice chairman of Wafdal (World Organisation of Dalmatian Clubs) and a member of the Standard commission of the Belgian Kennel Club.

Christine Rossier-Feuz Switzerland
Grown up in a breeder family, since 1952 with Schnauzers and Giant Schnauzers. Breeding under affix „Tombola’s“ since 1965. The start was with a Standard Schnauzer bitch pepper and salt.
During the years it was also brown medium Poodles, Miniature Poodles black, Miniature Schnauzers black and pepper and salt, Schnauzers black and pepper and salt, Giant Schnauzers black and pepper and salt, Hovawarts, Boston Terriers and Border Terriers. There are many National and International Champions and some World Winners in dogs we have bred.. In this days, after our parents have passed away, still breeding Standard and Miniature Schnauzers black and pepper and salt and since six years also active in Affenpinscher. First start in 1986 as a judge since April 2010 all breed judge. Also judging several times on FCI World and FCI European Dog Shows. From 1994 to 2006 in the Swiss Kynological Society responsible for the Judges Committee and since 2000 to 2006 also for the Show-Commission and one of the 2 Vicepresidents of the SKG. Since April 2006 member of honour of the Swiss Kynological Society SKG.

Jean Sharp-Bale Great Britain
I have been in Keeshonds since 1971 and had my first litter in 1973, my prefix is Neradmik. I gave my first set of cc's in 1984. I have judged in USA, Austrailia, Sweden, Finland and Ireland. I have also judged at Crufts and our own club championship show. I also give cc's in Chows, Japanese Spitz, German Spitzes and Tibetan Spaniels. With regard to my breeding I have bred and owned the breed record holder and I have just this year broken the breed record by breeding 33 English champions not only in my hands but many other people as well. The record was held for nearly 60 years by Wistonia kennel.
I am a member of the Kennel Club, a life member of the Keesond Club. I was a committee member of the Keeshond Club for 23 +years and chairperson for 5 years.

Bo Skalin Sweden
Since 1977 Bo Skalin has owned the Giant Schnauzers and since 1984 also the Miniature Schnauzers. On the beginning he was mainly interested and involved in the working trials and shows, but in 1985 the first litter has born under prefix Hassan Hill’s and during 20 years there were bred over 50 Champions Giant and Miniature Schnauzers, gained over 100 titles around the world. For the successful breeding the kennel was awarded by the special plaque from the Swedish Schnauzer-Pinscher Club and by the Hamilton plaque from the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK). Today together with his wife he is breeding Miniature Schnauzers, Rough Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs and Chihuahua under Skabona prefix. In 1995 Bo got his judge’s license and was specialized on Schnauzers and Pinschers. Over the years of education and judging he finally was confirmed as the All-Breeds judge in 2011. He has been judging on the all continents, including the European and World Dog shows. He is the member of the board of the Swedish Kennel Club, the President of the SKK Show Committee and the President of Swedish Schnauzer-Pinscher Club.

Natalja Skalin Sweden
Natalja Skalin (Nekrošienė) is involved in the doggy world since very early age. Her family purchased the first German Shepherd just after she has born. In 1989 she acquired her first own Shetland Sheepdog and a year later the Rough Collie bitches. Since that time she was breeding under “Fantazija” prefix the breeds mentioned above, Smooth Collies and Chihuahua. She has bred and owned over 50 Champions, International Champions, European and World Winners. She was awarded by the Lithuanian Kennel Club for the successful breeding during all those years. She was the member of board of the Lithuanian KC over 14 years. She is graduated from the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy in 1991, a veterinarian by profession and runs the private clinic.
She got the judge license in 1987 and was approved by the Lithuanian Kennel Club as All Breeds Judge in 2007. She has been judging in more than 40 countries all over the world including the World Dog Show’09 and the European Dog Show 2011, has the appointments to judge at the WDS 2015 and EDS 2015.
In 2012 she has moved to Sweden. Natalja and her husband Bo Skalin continue breeding of Collies, Chihuahuas, Miniature Schnauzer and Shetland Sheepdogs under “Skabona” prefix. They are members of the Swedish Kennel Club.

Damir Skok Croatia
Since I was baby we always had a dog in the house, although my parents were not breeders. From early days I have been involved in breeding, showing, working with dogs, hunting trials,
organization of events and active participation in various clubs.
I became a dog show judge in 1993 and since then I have been judging at shows and working trials in most of European countries and in South and Central America, Asia and Australia.
In March 2006 I have completed to judge at International level all FCI groups and I became an all-round judge. As a breeder under my kennel name SALTUS, I use to breed and own Miniature Pincher, English Cocker Spaniel, Borzoi, German Hunting Terriers, Great Dane, Posavian Scenthound, Golden retriever, Istrian Scenthound, Epegnel Breton and Dachshund. Since I met my life companion Monika in 2007 who was breeding Standard Schnauzers pepper-salt since she was a child, we fusioned our kennels and started to breed under one name - Saltus ze Zahrabske.
During last 25 years I have been a member of various breed clubs and boards in Croatia. Since 2004 I am a President of Croatian KC. At FCI European section general assembly 2004 in Barcelona I have been elected as a member of General committee of FCI European section, reelected on that function again in 2008 and again in 2012. In 2010 I became vice president of European Section of FCI, and I still hold this position. In last two FCI General Assemblies I have been elected to Auditor Commission. My wife Monika and me are proud parents of two little princesses Laura and Zara and proud owners of 12 lovely dogs, we also breed cats and love all other pets.

Guy Spagnolo Australia
I have been breeding and showing Labrador Retrievers under the prefix “Driftway” since 1972 having bred over 100 champions including our most highly awarded Grand Champion Driftway Regal OK with 56 Best In Show awards. Our current top Labrador Supreme Ch Driftway Special Envoy has over 40 Best In Shows and 8 Specialties. Between 1974 and 1990 I was also involved in the breeding and showing of English Cocker Spaniels.
I am licensed to judge all breeds and am specialist in Gundog breeds. I have judged extensively throughout Australia and in New Zealand, Canada, USA, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Japan, Korea, India, Philippines, South Africa and United Kingdom, including the FCI World Dog Show in Milan 2000, Yellow Labrador Club of England 2008 and Westminster 2008. In 2013 I was judging at the FCI World Dog Show in Budapest and in 2014 the FCI World Dog Show in Helsinki.
Since 1976 I have been committee member of the Labrador Retriever Club of New South Wales and more recently vice president.

Renée Sporre-Willes Sweden
Renée Sporre-Willes started showing Pugs in 1965, the first litter of Pugs under the prefix of Cobby's was born in 1969 and 46 were made up champions till 1982. A few litters of Pekingese were bred during the 1970s among them a litter brother and sister champion that where the breeds top-winners in 1979. In 1972 the first Norwich Terrier was imported from the U.K. and the first litter was born in 1973. Up to December 2013 a total of 160 champions have been homebred in this breed. In 1995 Renée Sporre-Willes imported the first Lagotto Romagnolos into Scandinavia and Sweden. In 1996 the first litter was born at Cobby's and up to August 2010 Cobby's had made up 28 homebred Lagotto champions.
Renée Sporre-Willes was qualified by the Swedish KC to judge at Championship level in 1977. She judges frequently in the U.K. and has judged in Western Europe at many major events, as well as in Australia & Japan, also in the USA on several occasions. R.S-W was appointed an F.C.I All breed judge in 1997. Have served on several Committees at the Swedish KC and is since 1991 a member of the Swedish Standards Commission (its president since 2011). Since 1999 is a member of the F.C.I Standards Commission and since 2007 its president. She as served as Co-Editor in Chief of the Swedish Kennel Clubs Magazine Hundsport between 1981–2010. Initiated the competition “Breeder of the Year” in 1982, still a highlighted event. I also breed in a small scale trotters and I have a garden of 3000 m² where I like to do this and that during the summer months.

Paul Stanton Sweden
I acquired my first dog in 1964 which was a Shetland Sheepdog called Tint. In 1969 I acquired my first Lhasa and have had them ever since and my first Tibetan Terrier was born in 1970. I owned or bred 10 UK Champions in the UK before moving to Sweden in 1977. We have owned or bred 10 Lhasa Apsos who have won All Breeds BIS but our most famous dog in Sweden was again a Tibetan Terrier, Int Nordic Ch BIS BISS Tintavon Desdemona who won Top Dog all breeds in Sweden, Finland and Nordic competitions in 1979. Whippets came into our house about twenty five years ago and we have added a new breed to our kennel, the Thai Bangkaew Dog (Group 5 Primitive Spitz Breed) and are the first to import this breed to Europe & we plan to import more & our first litter was born on the 11 December 2012.
Due to many judging engagements breeding and showing was planned to be kept at a minimum but we still keep four dogs, one Lhasa, one Whippet and two Tibetan Terriers I awarded C.C.s in England in Lhasas and Tibetan Terriers before moving to Sweden where I continued my judging exams to become FCI All Rounder in 1996. I have now judged in well over 50 countries on all continents. I have had the honour to judge BIS in countries like France, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia & The Scandinavian countries.
My other hobbies are gardening where my passion is for Fuchsias and Brugmansias (angels’ trumpets). I am also very interested in Opera, ballet and culture in general.

Ole Staunskjær Denmark
I was born into a dog family. Since 1929 my parents were breeding Great Danes under the kennel name Blaaholm and they were enthusiastic exhibitors of harlequin Great Danes. Today my daughter Camilla and I are continuing the breeding of Great Danes in the Blaaholm name. Fortunately my whole family is involved in dog sports - my wife Tove has been a very successful Lhasa Apso breeder with the kennel name Palomino.
I started judging Great Danes in 1956 and became all-round judge in 1988. During the years I have judged in about 70 countries. I am honorary member of the Danish Kennel Club and have been member of the general committee for 25 years. I am also honorary member of the Great Dane Club in Denmark and have been member of the general committee of this club for 36 years.