Perjantai 8.8.
12.00 Agilitynäytös / Nobody´s Dog Sports
12.30 Potpuri suomalaisuudesta / HTM & Freestyle -harrastajat
13.00 Dobo - Something Different / Koirakoulu Kompassi
13.30 Hyötykoiria – esittelyssä henkilökohtaiset hyötykoirat
14.00 Agilitynäytös / Nobody´s Dog Sports
14.30 Koirafrisbee / Suomen frisbeekoirat
15.00 Hyötykoiria - esittelyssä virkakoirat ja palveluskoirat
15.30 Rotuesittelyssä kotimaiset rodut / Lappalaiskoirat, Suomen Ajokoirajärjestö, Suomen Pystykorvajärjestö
12.00 Aktivointia koiran iloksi / Koirakoulu Kompassi
12.15 Dobo – koiran kanssa kuntoon / Koirakoulu Kompassi
12.30 Agilitynäytös / Nobody´s Dog Sportsin lapset ja nuoret
12.45 Keilausta ja puuhailua / Koirakoulu Taitoa Tassuihin
13.00 tauko
13.30 Koirafrisbee / Suomen frisbeekoirat
13.45 Temppunäytös / Nobody´s Dog Sportsin lapset ja nuoret
14.00 Hauskanpitoa tanssimalla / Koirakoulu Taitoa Tassuihin
14.15 Dobo – koiran kanssa kuntoon / Koirakoulu Kompassi
14.30 Aktivointia arjen iloksi / Koirakoulu Kompassi
Tule kysymään koirista. Neuvoja koiran hankintaan, hoitoniksejä, harrastusvinkkejä ja apua arjen pulmiin. Animagi järjestää ständillä demonäytöksiä seuraavasti:
12.00 Näin hoidat koiran hampaita ja suun terveyttä
13.00 Miten leikkaan koirani kynnet ja putsaan korvat
14.00 Näin hoidat koiran hampaita ja suun terveyttä
15.00 Miten leikkaan koirani kynnet ja putsaan korvat
LUENNOT (englanniksi)
KOKOUSTILA 103a, eteläisen sisäänkäynnin kerroksessa
11.00 Presentation of working and service dogs and dogs for special needs in Finland
The Finnish Kennel Club has put together a committee that consist all the working and service dogs and dogs for special needs in Finland. Come and hear what were our hopes and goal for this committee and what we have achieved working together.
12.00 The tracking of injured game in Finland - the authorities and the voluntary co-operation
The Finns have a long history of hunting. Though the attitude is very appreciative towards the game, sometimes happens the most unwanted: the shot is bad, and the injured animal goes further. We also have a country with only 5,4 million inhabitants, and a lot of wilderness that is split by roads and railways. Every day some wild animals get hit by cars or trucks. As a proof of the respect the hunters feel towards the game, we have set an organisation that traces injured animals and get them away from suffering of their injuries, The Hunters Tracking Association in Finland. Well, many countries have tracking hunters, but we have taken a step forward, all the job is done in co-operation with the police, Finlands Wildcentral and the hunting associations. The same squad can also take action when there's a situation where a big predator like bear comes to urban areas and need to be expelled. The authorities are paid for their job, of course, but the hunters work on voluntary basis without other compensation than a feeling you've done something good.
Titi Broman, M.Sc. Agric. The Hunters Tracking Association in Finland
13.00 Presentation of Finnish Breeds
Finnish Hound – Leni Finne
Finnish Lapphund – Saara Sampakoski
Finnish Spitz – Angela Cavill
Karelian Bear Dogs – Marko Laine
Lapponian Herder – Karin Sundström
14.30 Promoting health of dogs through breeding: The Finnish Kennel Club´s tools
The lecture will go through the Finnish Kennel Club's efforts to promote the health of dogs through breeding. The Finnish dog registration guidelines impose requirements on breeding dogs that apply to all breeds with the aim of promoting the welfare of dogs. A general breeding strategy for all breeds came into force in 2012. It provides detailed recommendations on how to select dogs for breeding in order to produce optimally healthy and good-tempered pups. Each breed has also its’ own breed-specific breeding program. In addition, a breed can be included in the Health programme for canine genetic diseases and defects (PEVISA). This programme requires breeding dogs to be examined for specific hereditary diseases, and it is also possible to set a limit to the number of progeny per sire. The Kennel Club also maintains a public breeding database, which offers access to all official dog health examinations. The system accumulates data on 60,000-80,000 health examination results per year. The database contains also estimated breeding values (EBV) for hip and elbow dysplasia.
Katariina Mäki, breeding expert, PhD, The Finnish Kennel Club